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 museo nitsch

Address: Vico Lungo Pontecorvo 29/d - 80135 Napoli
Telephone: +39 081 5641655
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visitalia Discount: With Visitalia Tourist Card you can get an exclusive discount of 30% on ticket entrance.     

Tickets: Full Eur 10,00/ Reduced Eur 5,00
Monday to Friday: 10 am - 7 pm / Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm / Closed on Sunday
Closed from August 3 to September 1

Description: The Hermann Nitsch Museum - Archive Lab for Contemporaries Arts, situated in the historical centre of Naples, is the result of a wider project by Fondazione Morra that planned to open a documentation and study centre starting from the work of one of the main character of the contemporary international art, the Austrian artist Hermann Nitsch.                 


