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 san lorenzo

City: Napoli
Address: Via Tribunali 316 - 80138 – Napol
Telephone: +39 081 2110860
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visitalia Discount: With Visitalia Tourist Card you get a 20% discount on ticket get a 25% discount on ticket entrance.

Tickets: Full price: Eur 9,00 / Over 65: Eur 7,00/ Under 18:  Eur 6,00

Mon-Sun 9.30 – 17.30


San Lorenzo Maggiore was built in the great wave of Gothic church building in Naples, meaning, roughly, the 100 years between 1250 and 1350. The beginning of that period corresponds with the take-over of southern Italy by the French Angevin dynasty and the move of the capital of the kingdom from Palermo to Naples.
Excavations beneath the Church and Monastery of San Lorenzo have brought to light a complex and layered archeological history. About half of the original Roman market  has been excavated and may be seen by entering through the marked portal next to the entrance to the church, itself, then passing through the courtyard and going down a flight of stairs. The site has been open since 1992 and is the result of 25 years of painstaking excavation. The market place is the only large-scale Greco-Roman site excavated in the downtown area. The site and the surrounding area of the historic center of Naples are on the UNESCO World Heritage list.



